For once, it makes you hip and trendy. But again, it's not all there. A Pocket PC has characteristics that can only imagine. If you have other thoughts, why or why not should you buy a PPC, here are some of the most fundamental reasons why people would buy a PPC.
Some people are too ignorant of modern facilities will make fun of PDA. Why? Probably because they still believe that these devices are simply filled with games and material sense. Well, actually, no.
We will start this way conversation by telling you what is a PDA.
PDA stands for Personal Digital Assistant, which is basically just the size of your hand. It can be placed around the city and use it anywhere you can possibly go. PDAs are considered much more powerful devices, often equal to the potential of desktop computers. With an impressive schedule for the PDA, there is now a bulk purchase of these devices that can not be used or intend to many.
No matter what type of operating system used, their properties are exactly the same. One of the many features that a PDA offers are:
1. Address Book - This applies to all contact addresses, phone numbers, addresses and even their home or office. And it continues to track all the important people in your life.
2. On-screen keyboard - makes life easier by clicking and typing, as to encode things right on the screen or if you do not want such brutality made his newly acquired CFP, a stylus is easily available and more suitable for write.
Third Backlight - have mobile phones, PDAs, why not? This increases your chances of seeing in darker places. Backlight can also be customized according to your choice of color.
4. List - do you remember back, and stuck somewhere in your head that you can not remember where you put it and ended up forgetting an important task, as a visit to the store, laundry service? This may help you remember.
5th E-mail - this is one of the most favorite of the owner of a PPC. It allows them to be connected to the Internet world without evil to enter their office and send or read an electronic communication very important.
6th Date Book - for professionals who are always on the verge of all lunch and dinner, one of the characteristics of the agenda of the most important aspects of a PPC. It covers your important dates and meetings with the boss or other business arrangements with your team, a date with your girlfriend. It has the same format as those bulky day planners.
7. Notepad - just because you do not have pen and paper is not to say that the meeting is over. With a notebook, you can record the details of your life, even those that seem insignificant.
Organizer 8th character - instead of typing, you can use a pen and write it on the screen itself.
9. Calculator - the device is never complete without a calculation of the program. In addition, engineers and doctors are grateful for the calculator.
In addition to the basic features that have been mentioned, which also has more reasons why people buy what is popular, entertainment factors also involved. You can play music and even watch your favorite videos. If your bored of the same old thing, you can relax with your Pocket PC in a game or see your photos from time to time.
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